Ownership and Management
OwnershipOn the right-hand panel of the Metric Page, the Metric Owners are listed. Metric Owners act as the point of contact for that metric and are responsible for governance and metric management.
All Metric Owners can edit metadata that is not locked-down in config files, add annotations, answer questions, and approve metrics. Owners will also be notified when a question is asked or an annotation is posted and emailed periodic reminders to approve metrics.
Ownership RolesIn Transform, there are two types of metric ownership: Technical and Business.
Technical Owners are responsible for the Transform config files and should have context around how the metric is defined and authored in a git-based respository. Technical Owners have the ability to author locked metadata in these config files, which makes all defined fields locked in the Transform UI. Technical Owners can only be set in the config file. Technical owners may also be designated as Business Owners.
Business Owners are often responsible for a metric’s performance and understand deeply what the data behind that metric means, how it is used, and why a value may change. Business Owners have the same rights as Technical Owners in the Transform UI (e.g. answering questions, adding annotations, adding additional Business Owners, etc), but are not responsible for the config file.
Individual vs Team OwnershipBusiness Ownership can be user-based or team-based. If a Team has been created in the Transform UI, then that Team can be designated as a Business Owner of a metric. All members of that Team can make allowed changes to metric metadata.
Metric Ownership ExampleAnalyst A is setting up her organization’s “Revenue” metric. She sets herself and the rest of the Data Team members as Technical Owners when authoring the config file. She has been working with her colleague, Senior Financial Analyst B, to define this metric, so she sets him as a Business Owner through the Transform UI.
The calculation and definition of Revenue changes a few months later. Senior Financial Analyst B communicates the changes to Analyst A who updates the config file. Senior Financial Analyst B updates the Metric Definition and adds an Annotation to the metric, explaining what changed and why.